5.3 Working with device categories

Each device that you work with in MyID belongs to a device category.

When you select the Card Encoding for a credential profile, you specify the category:

This Device Category groups the various card encoding options into logical categories; for example, contact chip cards, contactless cards, and magnetic stripe cards are all treated as part of the Card category. Note that Derived Credential does not have a category, as a derived credential always has another device type; for example, a VSC derived credential, or a contact card derived credential.

See the Working with credential profiles section in the Administration Guide for details.

The Device Category for an individual device is displayed on the View Device screen.

You can use the device category to search for individual devices; most device search reports contain Device Category in the Additional Search Criteria section.

You can also produce a report that displays the total number of issued devices by device type, including details of their category:

See section 7.3.28, Issued devices by category report for details of running this report.

Note: A single mobile device may contain multiple logical devices (in the above example, the three MyIDIdentityAgent devices and three Android PKCS devices relate to three mobile devices) but only one logical device for each mobile device counts towards the license total; this is shown by the Consumes device licenses column.